
  • Nuvis is 64 years old. She has been selling coffee and cigarettes in front of the Port of Maracaibo, Venezuela.

    The Inequality Virus

    25 January 2021
  • Girls from Chembera secondary school in Balaka district, Malawi

    The power of education to fight inequality

    17 September 2019
  • Sulemana is a teacher in Ghana. “When I came to this community as a teacher, I realized parents don’t want to bring their children – especially the girls – to school, she says. They believe that a girl belongs in the kitchen.” Photo: Jacob Stærk

    The public service heroes who know the true cost of inequality

    21 January 2019
  • The financial district of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Despite economic growth, almost 40 million people in Bangladesh still live below the national poverty line. Photo: GMB Akrash/Oxfam

    The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2018

    8 October 2018
  • ous_53068_ghana_children.jpg

    Reducing inequality: what is your country doing to tackle the gap between rich and poor?

    8 October 2018
  • A women participates in an Oxfam cash for work program after the Nepal Earthquake

    Women and the 1%

    11 April 2016