emergency response

  • Hodan Abdi Mohammed, 45, has lost all of her six children and her husband during the drought in Somaliland. Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Oxfam

    From early warning to early action in Somalia

    1 October 2017
  • ogb_105423_somaliland_drought_nimo_440x300.jpg

    Drought in East Africa: “If the rains do not come, none of us will survive”

    26 April 2017
  • Une femme prépare du thé dans un camp pour déplacés au Yémen. Avec le pain, c'est à présent tout ce qui constitue le régime alimentaire pour des millions de Yéménites. Photo: Hind Aleryani/Oxfam

    Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine

    21 April 2017
  • Gisma Habdur walks through the settlement for newly displaced people where she now lives in North Darfur. Photo: Neimat Abas/Oxfam

    Local humanitarian leadership and religious literacy

    30 March 2017
  • Children try to warm themselves in the sun outside their tent at an informal settlement for Syrian refugees in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

    Joint NGO Briefing: Brussels Syria Conference

    22 March 2017
  • Oxfam warns of hunger in Haiti 3 months after Hurricane Matthew

    4 January 2017
  • Karen Ramirez (center) meets with members of a national emergency coordination body in a community affected by a storm surge in El Salvador, in 2015.

    Transforming the system of humanitarian response

    27 October 2016
  • Heavy rains in Haiti halt emergency response – Oxfam pushes for more support

    25 October 2016
  • Oxfam to provide safe water to 10,000 people in Ecuador

    23 April 2016