extractive industries
9 March 2017
The use of tax havens in the ownership of Kenyan petroleum rights
10 May 2016 -
An Economy For the 1%
18 January 2016 -
Oxfam's Work on Mining, Oil, Gas and Poverty
7 December 2015 -
Areva in Niger: who is benefiting from the uranium?
19 December 2013 -
Moves to tackle Africa’s ‘resource curse’ reach turning point
23 October 2013 -
Oxfam’s to-do list for President Obama's Africa trip
26 June 2013 -
Oxfam applauds the European Parliament’s hard fought victory for transparency in the extractives sector
12 June 2013 -
Africa’s growth must benefit all its citizens
6 May 2013 -
Oxfam-Eurodad reaction to EU deal on transparency of extractives industries
10 April 2013