extreme inequality
14 October 2021
One-off emergency tax on billionaires’ pandemic windfalls could fund COVID-19 jabs for entire world
12 August 2021 -
Oxfam’s position paper on IDA20 replenishment
16 June 2021 -
The Inequality Virus
25 January 2021 -
Confronting carbon inequality in the European Union
7 December 2020 -
Confronting carbon inequality
21 September 2020 -
Fiscal justice in Tunisia: a vaccine against austerity
17 June 2020 -
How the coronavirus pandemic exploits the worst aspects of extreme inequality
21 April 2020 -
How land injustice reinforces inequality in Uganda
30 November 2019 -
Poorest people get less than one cent per day to protect themselves from impacts of climate crisis
23 September 2019