extreme inequality

  • Girls from Chembera secondary school in Balaka district, Malawi

    The power of education to fight inequality

    17 September 2019
  • Kibera, the largest informal settlement in Africa, where an estimated 700,000 to 1 million people live. Many of the families live in a precarious situation with lack of access to basic social services, such as water, electricity and decent housing. Photo credit: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

    A tale of two continents: fighting inequality in Africa

    2 September 2019
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    Extreme inequality and essential services

    23 August 2019
  • Rasu Begum, 35, is a single mother of two and an unemployed domestic worker living in Dhaka, Bangaldesh, who spoke to us in July. The lockdown put her out of work; she was unable to pay rent and she ran out of food.

    Fight inequality, beat poverty

    23 August 2019
  • Kadigueta Barry is a breeder. She is 34 years old, mother of 4 children. She has been internally displaced for 12 month.

    West Africa: extreme inequality in numbers

    9 July 2019
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    The West Africa inequality crisis

    9 July 2019
  • Fatoumata lives in Burkina Faso. She is a cattle rancher and milk producer. Every day she travels 20km to Bobo to sell her milk and milk produced by the other families in her community. Photo: Pablo Tasco/Oxfam

    Sahel: fighting inequality to respond to development and security challenges

    2 July 2019
  • Nyatapa, 32, tea trader. South Sudan.Credit:Tim Bierley/Oxfam

    Oxfam Position paper on IDA19 replenishment

    6 June 2019
  • Chhatiya is a young mother who lives in an urban slum in Patna in northeast India. With her husband they were forced into debt to pay private healthcare fees for their new-born son when the public clinic was unable to provide the care he needed.

    India: extreme inequality in numbers

    21 May 2019