
  • Poor people being bypassed or bankrupted as rich countries pour development billions into private healthcare

    26 June 2023
  • Oxfam Media Brief: the case for windfall taxes

    9 September 2022
  • Universal health, education and other public services reduce the gap between rich and poor, and between women and men

    Public good or private wealth?

    21 January 2019
  • IDA21 Public Enemy #1: Rising Inequality

    1 July 2024
  • Income inequality high or rising in 60 percent of countries with loans from IMF and World Bank

    15 April 2024
  • EU governments miss 33 million euros per hour in unpaid taxes from Europe’s super-rich

    11 April 2024
  • Briefing on the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable

    2 April 2024