31 October 2021
Oxfam calls for urgent G20 action to tackle vaccine inequality, hunger, climate change, and promote a fair economic recovery
28 October 2021 -
COVID-19 recovery in West Africa is “austerity on steroids” and sets the region on a destructive path ahead: Oxfam
14 October 2021 -
One-off emergency tax on billionaires’ pandemic windfalls could fund COVID-19 jabs for entire world
12 August 2021 -
Billionaires blast into space as billions suffer on planet Earth
19 July 2021 -
Six-fold increase in people suffering famine-like conditions since pandemic began
9 July 2021 -
COVID-19 cost women globally over $800 billion in lost income in one year
29 April 2021 -
Monopolies causing “artificial rationing” in COVID-19 crisis as 3 biggest global vaccine giants sit on sidelines
5 February 2021 -
Mega-rich recoup COVID-losses in record-time yet billions will live in poverty for at least a decade
25 January 2021 -
10 brilliant questions you asked about Oxfam’s inequality report
Blog by Oxfam25 January 2021