
  • The world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies are cheating women and girls out of the chance to beat poverty.

    Prescription for poverty

    17 September 2018
  • Global aid stagnates at a time of unprecedented needs

    9 April 2018
  • captura_de_pantalla_2018-01-19_a_las_02.57.33.png

    Reward work, not wealth

    22 January 2018
  • While a minority of super-rich Kenyans are accumulating wealth and income, the fruits of economic growth are failing to trickle down to the poorest.

    Kenya: extreme inequality in numbers

    5 December 2017
  • Ambitious vision lacking in EU’s 2018 budget, say NGOs

    18 November 2017
  • In South Sudan, Oxfam trained producers in good cultivation, storage and marketing techniques. Elizabeth is now cultivating new vegetables. “With the money I make, I can send my children to school and pay for healthcare” she says. Photo: Tim Bierley/Oxfam

    Empowering women farmers to end hunger and poverty

    12 October 2017
  • Despite lifting millions of people out of poverty over the last decades, Brazil still faces a huge gap between the country’s richest and the rest of the population. Photo: Apu Gomes/Oxfam

    Brazil: extreme inequality in numbers

    24 September 2017