
  • Public pessimism and misunderstanding undermining fight against global poverty

    21 September 2016
  • It is thought that between 80,000 and 150,000 people crossed the harsh and arid desert zone in northeastern Niger on their way to Europe in 2015.

    The perilous migration across the desert of Niger: Africa’s hidden story

    16 September 2016
  • Development aid more crucial than ever in era of SDGs

    14 September 2016
  • G20 needs to do more on inequality, climate and migration

    5 September 2016
  • Free education is one of the strongest weapons in the fight against inequality, benefiting everyone in society, but the poorest youth most of all. Photo: Dustin Barter/Oxfam

    Supporting today’s youth, the best chance to end poverty tomorrow

    8 August 2016