
  • G20 must step up efforts to avert looming global debt crisis: Oxfam

    16 July 2020
  • IMF Chief Economist says pandemic will cause ‘worst recession since the Great Depression’: Oxfam reaction

    14 April 2020
  • Kibera, the largest informal settlement in Africa, where an estimated 700,000 to 1 million people live. Many of the families live in a precarious situation with lack of access to basic social services, such as water, electricity and decent housing. Photo credit: Pablo Tosco/Oxfam

    A tale of two continents: fighting inequality in Africa

    2 September 2019
  • Rasu Begum, 35, is a single mother of two and an unemployed domestic worker living in Dhaka, Bangaldesh, who spoke to us in July. The lockdown put her out of work; she was unable to pay rent and she ran out of food.

    Fight inequality, beat poverty

    23 August 2019
  • Nyatapa, 32, tea trader. South Sudan.Credit:Tim Bierley/Oxfam

    Oxfam Position paper on IDA19 replenishment

    6 June 2019