Oxfam monitoring Typhoon Hagupit threat in Philippines

Publié: 4th décembre 2014

Oxfam is closely watching Typhoon Hagupit and has contingency stocks and staff on standby, as the Philippines prepares for the storm to make landfall this weekend.

While the path of the cyclone could divert, the Philippines Government and humanitarian organisations are working together to reduce risk to life and property.

Speaking from Tacloban last night, Oxfam Country Director in the Philippines Justin Morgan said preparations were already under way.

“We are watching Typhoon Hagupit closely,” Morgan said.

“Local Government Units are activating their evacuation plans, in coordination with other humanitarian agencies. Oxfam has contingency stocks positioned throughout the Philippines and has staff ready to support in an emergency response.

“One year on from Typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines has improved its preparedness. People are much more aware of which locations are safe and what provisions they should stock.  However, the fear is that not all evacuation centres have been fully repaired.”

Oxfam has contingency stocks positioned throughout the Philippines and has staff ready to support in an emergency response.
Justin Morgan
Oxfam Country Director in the Philippines


Angus Hohenboken, Media officer

T. +61 392899246 Mob: +61 428367318 / angush@oxfam.org.au