Civil society organizations across Africa welcome AU focus on illicit financial flows

Publié: 29th janvier 2015

Civil society organizations call for African leaders to move quickly to implement recommendations in UNECA report on Illicit Financial Flows

(ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia) — As African leaders are meeting in Addis Ababa to discuss growing threats from extremist groups, instability, and poverty, Heads of State are urged to give priority to  a growing threat to their economies: illicit financial flows. 

On Saturday, African Union Heads of State will review a report produced by the AU High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows, which has been chaired by Thabo Mbeki. The new report looks at the dire consequences of illicit financial outflows from Africa, estimated at US$50 billion per year, according to Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the African Development Bank.

Illicit financial flows grow rapidly

“The fact that our leaders are devoting a portion of their very full session to illicit financial flows underlines just how serious this issue is,” said Savior Mwambwa, Policy and Advocacy Manager for the Tax Justice Network Africa. “Illicit financial flows are not only an extreme hindrance to Africa’s development, they are growing rapidly every year.”

A new study from GFI notes that illicit financial flows are growing at an average rate of 9.4% per year. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, illicit financial flows amounted to 5.5% of the region’s total gross domestic product. 

A global problem

“The African Union High Level Panel report will add African regional details to the global problem of illicit financial flows, and how best to fix it,” said Tigere Chagutah of Oxfam. “We urge AU Heads of State to move quickly to adopt the recommendations contained in the report, in order to reap the benefits of new-found tax revenue that can address poverty and economic stagnation.”

“It’s important to note that this isn’t just an African problem; much of the money that leaves Africa illicitly by way of corporate tax evasion or corruption ends up in banks within Europe and the United States,” said Henry Malumo of Action Aid International. “It’s vital that global accounting and tax enforcement policies being established by the G20 and other international bodies fully encompass the needs and context of Africa.”

The report comes at a timely moment, as policy makers are meeting in New York this week to discuss the United Nations Financing for Development (FfD) agenda. Curbing illicit financial flows could jumpstart the ability of African nations to recoup tax revenue, and enable governments to better fund programs of sustainable development.

The report from the High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows will be presented to African leaders on 31st January and will be publicly released at an event* on 1st February in Addis Ababa.

A consortium of Civil Society Organizations are asking AU Heads of States to extend the High Level Panel’s mandate and fully resource the Panel as a standing committee or an AU agency that will oversee and monitor the implementation of the recommendations of the High Level Panel’s report .

Illicit financial flows are not only an extreme hindrance to Africa’s development, they are growing rapidly every year.
Savior Mwambwa
Policy and Advocacy Manager for the Tax Justice Network Africa

Notes aux rédactions

*The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will be hosting the official presentation of the report of the “High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa” to be chaired by H.E Mr. Thabo Mbeki, former President of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the High Level Panel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 1 February 2015 from 10:00am to 12:15am at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC- CR4), ECA. 

All those interested in attending should send their full names and organizations as soon as possible to Mr. Savior Mwambwa  ( in order for UNECA to facilitate access.


Savior Mwambwa- Policy and Advocacy Manager, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJN-A),, Mobile in Addis, +251 912 990 864

Henry Malumo - Africa Advocacy Coordinator, Action Aid International,, mobile in Addis   +2510913942653

Sue Rooks, Oxfam Inernational Media Lead in Addis  +251 935  987 879, or      

Tigere Chagutah, Pan Africa Campaigner: Finance for Development and Essential Services, Oxfam,  mobile in Addis  +251 946 689 854

For updates, please follow @Oxfam or @Oxfam_AU.