In response to the recent Amazon fires burning at a record rate and Macron's recent statement to block the EU trade agreement with Brazil at the G7 meeting, Katia Maia Oxfam Brazil Executive Director said:
We welcome Macron's warning to the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro to take firm and immediate actions to save the Amazon forests, but warnings alone do not end fires. The Brazilian President must change his deforestation policies. The G7 countries, who are historically responsible for causing the climate crisis, must too take action. They are not doing enough to cut emissions or help poor people adapt to the consequences.
The environment situation in Brazil is critical and the forestry fires are not an isolated fact. The Brazilian environmental laws and the public institutions responsible for their implementation and inspection are under threats by a vision that prioritizes the economic profits no matter the consequences for the people and the natural resources."
Since the beginning of his administration, the Brazilian president has defended the idea that environmental policies and agencies, together with NGOs, are delaying the development of the country. He has been very emphatic to express how the business sector should be released to operate as they want.
The European Union–Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (EU-MERCOSUR) was signed based on Brazil’s commitment to international climate agreements and environmental policies, added Maia.
The G7 leaders have previously committed to reducing emissions and committed to helping the poorest adapt. The time to talk is over. They must be brave and take action today.
Notes aux rédactions
Check also:
G7 Fueling Inequality at Home and Around the World
Download the report: 'The G7's Deadly Sins'
Katia Mia is available for interviews in São Paulo, Brazil.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Jorge Cordeiro | | +55 11 98459 0142
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