Oxfam slams shameful European Parliament vote against search and rescue

Publié: 24th octobre 2019

Today, the European Parliament has voted against a resolution supporting more search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

Reacting to the news, Oxfam's EU migration policy advisor Raphael Shilhav said:

"More than 1,000 women, men and children have drowned or gone missing in the Mediterranean this year alone. Europe should do everything it can to prevent further tragedies. People crossing the sea to Europe are fleeing torture, detention, slavery and sexual violence in Libya. While people continue to make these treacherous journeys across the Mediterranean there is a need for sustained and coordinated search and rescue operations.

"Europe needs more and better search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean to save people's lives. It also needs to suspend its shameful cooperation with the Libyan coastguard which sends people saved at sea back into detention and abuse."

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