Oxfam, alongside several other aid and development organisations, is signed up to a far-reaching set of commitments to create closer partnerships with local and national organisations in a drive to shift more power, decision-making and money to the places worst affected by crisis and poverty. This is our Pledge For Change.
The Pledge For Change was launched on Oct 27 2022, and next to Oxfam, counts with the commitment of CARE International, Christian Aid, Plan International and Save the Children International. At the basis is a strong belief that being ‘locally led and globally connected’ will mean bigger, longer-lasting impacts on people’s lives.
The Pledge for Change follows a two year-long process convened by Adeso, a humanitarian and development organisation in Somalia. INGO leaders in the Global North have heeded challenges from their counterparts based in the Global South as part of the process. The Pledge For Change builds on, but at the same time goes beyond existing commitments such as the Charter for Change and the Grand Bargain.
The Pledge for Change focuses on three key areas: equitable partnerships, authentic storytelling, and influencing wider change.

“As an organization fighting for a more equal future, we must do all that we can to nurture a vibrant and resilient civil society in the countries where we operate, and engage our supporters in new ways that are based on solidarity across borders. In doing so, it’s only right for us to lead by example."
Gabriela Butcher
Executive Director
Oxfam International