Taxing Europe’s Super-Rich: The Gamechanger

Publié: 17th mars 2025

Ahead of tomorrow’s EU Tax Symposium, Gabriel Zucman, lead economist at the EU Tax Observatory, has set out a proposal to tax the super-rich in the EU.  

In response, Chiara Putaturo, Oxfam EU tax expert, said:  

“Zucman’s study exposes the truth: Europe has money to fight the climate crisis, strengthen social security nets and maintain its role as a global leader in aid - it just needs the political will to tax its wealthiest citizens. 

“At next week’s EU budget talks, one thing must be crystal clear: taxing Europe’s super-rich is the gamechanger to end extreme inequality in Europe and finance the EU’s budget.” 

Notes aux rédactions

Notes to editors  

The EU Tax Observatory’s new study is available here. It shows that a minimum tax of 2% and 3% on billionaires and centimillionaires in 23 EU countries could bring in respectively 67 billion and 121 billion for European governments.  

Oxfam recently published report Takers not Makers highlights: 

  • Billionaire wealth in the EU surges by nearly €400 million per day in 2024, with a new billionaire nearly every week
  • 74% of billionaire wealth in the EU is derived from inheritance, monopoly power or crony connections.
  • The richest 1% in 12 EU countries extracted €84.4 billion from the Global South in 2023. 

Next week, EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss the next EU budget and new own resources. Oxfam and allies are calling for wealth taxes to finance the EU budget.


Jade Tenwick | Brussels, Belgium | | mobile +32 473 56 22 60 | Personal (Outside of Working Hours & WhatsApp only) +32 484 81 22 94