Oxfam on MDGs: Tackle inequality to reach poverty goals

Publié: 23rd septembre 2013

The world's governments will meet at a special session of the UN General Assembly this week to take stock of progress toward the Millennium Development Goals, and plan for a new global development agenda beyond 2015.

Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International said:

“My message to world leaders meeting this week is that only by confronting inequality head-on will poverty be overcome.

“The MDGs have been an important force for development progress over the last 13 years. So many people lifted out of extreme poverty in such a short time, is an achievement to celebrate.

“Global poverty is declining but in country after country, inequality is on the increase. Billions of people are being left behind by economic growth. Without targeted efforts to reduce gaps between rich and poor, the next set of sustainable development goals is almost certain to be unachievable.

“Climate change is the single greatest threat to all our futures and is driving many of the world’s poorest people dangerously close to the edge of survival. Progress towards ending poverty will unravel unless the world dramatically accelerates action to tackle climate change.

“The international community must take bold steps to ensure sufficient resources are invested in the next two years to make the Millennium Development Goals a success. Special attention must be given to conflict-affected countries where progress has been slowest in the last decade. It’s unacceptable that aid to the poorest countries is falling – last year global ODA dropped by $5.36 billion.”


Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam International Executive Director, is available for interviews.

For more information, or to book interviews, please contact: Louis Belanger Oxfam Media Officer on +1 917 2240834

Note: Please find a link to a useful 3-page Media Brief (in French also) with stats and Oxfam’s main positions which focuses on Inequality and Climate.

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