European election results say MEPs must reconnect with their citizens

Publié: 26th mai 2014

Today the shape of the new European Parliament was revealed, with the results marred by weak turnout and a rise of Eurosceptic votes.  

Natalia Alonso, Head of Oxfam’s EU Office, said:

“Today’s results raise the question of whether the Europe we have is the Europe we want. As weak turnout and protest votes dominate the headlines, the new Parliamentarians must reconnect with their people. MEPs must speak for their citizens by tackling global challenges, like poverty and climate change, that are affecting Europe too.”   

With nearly one in three Europeans at risk of poverty in the EU by 2025, addressing injustice and inequality should be top priority. With €9.5 trillion hidden in European tax havens, the EU must ensure the super-rich and multinationals also pay their fair share of taxes, so public services, like health and education, stop being squeezed.”

“With one in eight people around the world still going to bed hungry every night, Oxfam calls on progressive MEPs to come together and reconnect policies with people.”

Notes to Editors

  • The ‘Europe We Want is a politically independent campaign that encourages a debate on achieving a fairer Europe at home and abroad. The campaign was set up ahead of the European elections by a broad alliance of leading European civil society organisations.


Angela Corbalan on + 32 (0) 473 56 22 60 or