EU climate change vision lacks teeth

Publié: 25th février 2015

Today the European Commission published a Communication setting out its position towards international climate change negotiations aimed at reaching an agreement by December. This document was leaked on February 23rd by Alice Stollmeyer, the Guardian’s top-10 Energy tweeter.

In reaction to the official publication today, Lies Craeynest, Oxfam’s EU policy advisor, said:

“The European Commission says it knows how a climate deal should be made, but it is not adding enough staple ingredients. We need deeper emissions cuts and more climate finance if Paris is meant to be the recipe for success it must be for curbing catastrophic climate change.” 

“The current EU offer on emission cuts falls too far short of Europe's fair share in preventing runaway climate change hitting the world’s poorest hardest. European leaders must heed the growing calls from the public and from businesses, and stress that this is a starting bid of “at least” 40% cuts, not a best and final offer.”

“The question of how to continue to raise climate finance was kicked once again into the long grass by the EU. If Europe wants the support of developing countries to create a robust deal, they need to come up with solid proposals on how to deliver support in the new agreement and soon – especially for the poorest to adapt to climate impacts. EU leaders should seize the finance-raising options that are within their grasp, like financial transaction taxes and the EU’s emission trading system, and use them to change the negotiating game well before the Paris talks kick off. ”

Notes aux rédactions

The EC Communication, entitled Paris Protocol – a blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020, kicks off a year of intense climate negotiations, where all countries should spell out what they will do to curb climate change.  In June, European governments committed to cut emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990.  According to the EU, this target is in line with an 80% cut by 2050 set out in the EU 2050 roadmap.


Angela Corbalan on + 32 (0) 473 56 22 60 or, @AngelaCorbalan.

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