Yemen peace talks in Geneva collapse despite four out of five Yemenis needing aid

Publié: 19th juin 2015

In response to the collapse of the Geneva talks Philippe Clerc, Oxfam Yemen's Country Director said: 

"The failure to broker a peace deal in Geneva is deeply disappointing as the humanitarian situation in Yemen is deteriorating by the day. Now four out of five people need of aid to survive. 

"The longer this situation continues, the more positions amongst the parties to the conflict will be entrenched, making the prospect of a peace deal even more remote. Negotiations need to re-start immediately, without pre-conditions. The suffering of 21 million people also means that the international community must now redouble its effort to find a solution. This approach is the only way progress will be made towards a lasting and inclusive peace acceptable to all Yemenis."


Imad Aoun, in Lebanon, +961 71 333459 /

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