As the US, Ethiopia and European Union, including France, Germany and the UK coalesce around a climate finance package of $100bn, Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International said:
“It’s good news that discussions on climate cash have finally got moving after two long years of delay but this needs to be the start of the conversation – not the end. $100bn is half the amount poor countries need to reduce their emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The money must come from public sources - not be subject to the whims of the markets - and it must not be diverted from existing aid promises. Poor countries will still need to build schools and hospitals – as well as flood defences.”
Oxfam is calling for rich countries to provide at least $200bn a year in new money to help poor countries adapt to a changing climate and reduce their emissions.
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Moment of crisis: Copenhagen talks are failing but rich country leaders can fix it
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How can poor countries adapt to a changing climate?
Three facts about climate change and Africa
Three facts about climate change and women
Oxfam International Climate Change Blog
Notes aux rédactions
Oxfam’s Climate Advisors from around the globe are available to provide expert analysis on policy and politics of the talks. Our team of experts is liaising closely with government delegations and party to inside information on the talks.
Oxfam’s Climate Advisors from around the globe are available to provide expert analysis on policy and politics of the talks. Our team of experts is liaising closely with government delegations and party to inside information on the talks.