Oxfam reaction to the recent attack on Hroza, Ukraine

Publicado: 6th Octubre 2023

Responding to the recent wave of attacks in Ukraine which killed at least 52 people, Nicola Bay, Oxfam’s Organizational Lead in Ukraine said: 

“Dozens of civilians lost their lives and many more were injured. The strikes also left a trail of destruction of grain stores.  The attacks, which were near the operations being run by Oxfam and its partner organizations, will mean reaching those people already impacted by this war will be even more challenging.  

Every effort must be made to ensure innocent civilians do not suffer the consequences of this war. Oxfam urges all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law and take every possible precaution to avoid loss of civilians lives or injury to civilians.” 

Notas para editores

Since the escalation of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, Oxfam has provided vital humanitarian assistance to people most impacted by the crisis both in Ukraine and in neighboring host countries.. Oxfam is primarily working with 35 local civil society organizations that are already supporting displaced people and host communities. Together we have supported more than 1.7 million people across Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and Moldova.

Información de contacto

Jade Tenwick | Brussels, Belgium | jade.tenwick@oxfam.org | +32 473 56 22 60   

Nesrine Aly in the UK | nesrine.aly@oxfam.org | +201 222 486 964 and +44 7503 989 838

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