EU must not halt aid to Palestinians

Publicado: 9th Octubre 2023

Ahead of the meeting of European foreign affairs ministers to discuss the unfolding situation in Palestine and Israel, Bushra Khalidi, Oxfam Policy Lead in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, said: 

 “The mere prospect of suspending aid is not only alarming but is unacceptable. Suspending aid will be a collective punishment jeopardising the lives of countless Palestinians. Europe’s commitment to provide aid to those who need it must never waver. 

“It’s precisely the lack of decisive political action that has perpetuated this endless cycle of violence and retaliation placing civilians in the crossfire."

Notas para editores

Spokespersons are available for interview.  

Oxfam urges the international community to take no part in the collective punishment of Palestinians. Denying aid will stop Palestinians from accessing vital healthcare, food, water and education, and it will not make Israeli civilians safer. Continued political and economic support, not aid cuts, is the only feasible path to lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. 

The EU has stated that they will review all European development funding – a total of 691 million euros. Reports suggest that the EU and EU countries will discuss the suspension of development aid in their Foreign Affairs emergency meeting tomorrow.  

Oxfam has been working in OPTI for over 50 years. Oxfam and other international organisations in the area have in place robust procedures to ensure aid is not diverted. Oxfam has shown absolute transparency and accountability concerning its funding sources and operational mechanisms while adhering to global standards and laws. 

Información de contacto

David Nieto in Jerusalem | | mobile: +972 54 669 3992 
Jade Tenwick in Brussels | | mobile +32 473 56 22 60 | +32 484 81 22 94 (personal)

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