Piecing Together the Jigsaw

Prospects for improved social relations after the armed conflict in northern Mali

Fecha de publicación: 10 Octubre 2013
Autor/a: Ilaria Allegrozzi, Policy and Campaign Manager, Oxfam in Mali; Elise Ford, Oxfam Humanitarian Campaign Manager

The conflict that began in Mali in January 2012 deeply affected the country’s social fabric and turned the lives of many Malians upside down. This report is the result of a survey carried out by Oxfam in June 2013 on the impact of the conflict on social relations within and between the populations of northern Mali. The populations surveyed for this report are unanimous that the consequences of this crisis are far greater than those of the past, and that what makes this conflict different is the breakdown of social relations.

Faced by violence, mass exodus, and human rights violations, many of those surveyed have lived through shocking experiences, losing family ties and weakening traditional values. However, the report also reveals that despite the physical and moral damage caused by the war, despite the abuses committed by all parties, despite the differences of interest between individuals and communities, and despite the difficulties of communication following massive displacement, the rift between communities is not irreparable.

Oxfam hopes this report and the voices of the communities it contains will prompt reflection and guide the actions of the national and international actors in Mali's reconciliation process.



Watch the video highlights from the Oxfam and WILDAF survey process:



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