Oxfam spokesperson Elizabeth Stuart said:
"Emerging economies have kept their part of the bargain by giving the IMF the money it asked for, and Europe needs make room at the decision-making table in exchange.
"As Lagarde said, the IMF should use its new firepower to back poor countries too fragile to cope with a second round of economic crisis.
"Oxfam welcomes the commitment from G20 finance ministers to focus on climate finance - money that's urgently needed to help poor countries cope with the impacts of climate change. They should focus on innovative ways to raise public finance, like a financial transactions tax and carbon charges for international transport."
IMF/G20 Joint statement here: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2012/pr12144.htm
Información de contacto
Caroline Hooper-Box, +1 202 321 2967 caroline.hooper-box@oxfaminternational.org
Caroline Hooper-Box, +1 202 321 2967 caroline.hooper-box@oxfaminternational.org