Oxfam response to the Finance section in the LCA text, which Ministers in Cancun are debating today:
Oxfam's international climate change adviser Tim Gore said: "At last, women - who are among the most affected by climate change - are no longer being ignored by the UN climate negotiations on climate finance. The last minute addition to the text to ensure that the new Climate Fund should represent women is a critical step towards ensuring that climate funding reaches those who need it most.
"However, a commitment to ensure that at least 50 per cent of climate funding is dedicated to adaptation is missing. The delivery of adaptation finance to vulnerable communities already affected by climate change has been neglected so far. The new Climate Fund must close the adaptation gap to address this so that communities can protect themselves against the climate impacts of today and tomorrow."
Información de contacto
For more information contact the Oxfam media team in Cancun:
Lucy Brinicombe: +44 7786 110054 or +521 99 81 59 48 96 or lbrinicombe@oxfam.org.uk
Ben Grossman-Cohen: +1202-629-6018 or +521 99 81 59 35 21 or bgrossman-cohen@oxfamamerica.org
Violeta Leon: +521 99 81 03 66 89 or violetaleon@oxfammexico.org
Magali Rubino: +33 630 4666 or +521 99 81 59 47 42 or mrubino@oxfamfrance.org